Sunday, May 31, 2009

Craft Seminar Week 1

from a copy of The American Poetry Review, cut & arranged & pasted on the face of a greeting card that originally read:
Thankful Heart
Thank You

Appropriation Week 1:

did i float unaware of the 3000 lb. machine
This is the S curve, the tilt, the jump.
I can't just be tracking the lapses
the bliss of sleep and tea

You must be able to be empty.

the steel vehicle now a lost memory
moment given to any flimsy fawn who makes it to its feet--
"What are the 39 steps?"

where the gondolier's hat, what century?
our desperate sombreros and run, my froggy, run.
the apartment to a sprint,
And Odysseus is on his way here now,
for the train, and yes, I'm sure I'm being followed.

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