Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The (continuous) start of a Dialogic(?) Text

Derrida, you’ve rendered me illiterate! Reads “Deconstruction” as “Destruction.” Perhaps I could consider it a gift, though it could take as long as a lifetime to repay, and likely only on credit. Is that a tongue in his cheek? or a mound of tobacco?

Approaching a text, I am advised to interrogate its borders, limits and origins. I tip-toe the perimeter, avoiding a centre where there is no sure footing. A structure is built and bears, having endured its own genesis. Too dreamy an architect, I’ll have blood on my hands.

Destruktion, says Freud, must be externalized as it stands “nearer to Nature than does our resistance.” Freud and I circled each other, aggressors with minds to save, thus solve, our selves. Thinks “it must have been the cocaine.”

An amalgamation of the French words for differ and defer, differance opposes its own identity. It marks two different things as it defers any final definition. Pleasantly confounded, I wait for (want for?)a wholly new, plastic language.

(Intentionally?) Less than perfect translation insists upon a play of forces within the text itself and between the text and the reader, who applies her own force and allows her own play. Léger de main (in my fake French)

The contradictions of cultural binaries seem only to suggest repressed desire, only semi-present, but pointed to by the traces of semi-absence. Female in form, contentious in content: a grown child, dogmatically borderline, a real faker.

Differance, like me, decides itself neither passive nor active. For a spell, only pencil: ink implying permanence and strike-throughs admitting defeat.

This swap of a letter poses (quite silently) a phonemic challenge, as the “error” can only be noticed when committed to paper. Sings “what a difference an a maaaakes.”

“There is nothing outside the text.” Heidegger is a friend of a friend, a practical stranger. This keeps me an outsider, while he is caged inside his own text, translated into an additional text to be cited within another text referred to by a next text.

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